Ramadan Planner 2023


SalaamSeeker have created a digital Ramadan planner for all our fellow brothers and sisters. We are hoping you find this beneficial, in order to maximise the rewards and benefits of this blessed month. From daily reminders to amazing Hadiths, we pray that this Ramadan Planner can be the start of something special in enhancing your relationship with your Creator.

Please download the planner, it is completely free of charge. However, if you’d like to, please feel free donate to SalaamSeeker using our details below and in sha Allah we will use the funds to continue our important dawah work to you all!

Bank: Monzo Bank
Account number: 49420986
Sort code: 04-00-03

Jazak Allah Khair
Wa alaikumu Salaam

What is SalaamSeeker?

About Us

SalaamSeeker creates a refreshing safe-space for Muslims. We have a podcast – it’s chill, but challenges topics often left unspoken in today’s world. As well as this, we’re building a central hub for our content through our website, which will include a blog, helpful resources, and a marketplace for items such as Ramadan planners and self-reflection guides.

Mission Statement

Our purpose at SalaamSeeker is to create a platform that illuminates the path to Allah through the teachings of Islam. As leaders and beacons of hope within the Ummah, we are dedicated to serving our fellow Muslims with unwavering commitment and passion. At SalaamSeeker, we aim to strengthen the foundations of our community and fortify the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, providing a space for Muslims to discover knowledge and inspiration. We strive to make a positive impact in the lives of our fellow Muslims, inspiring their hearts and minds. Let us, together, embark on this journey with the divine guidance of Allah, striving towards excellence with humility and grace.

Follow Us

All of our socials can be found below! Please like, share and subscribe as this helps us to spread our work to those who can truly benefit in sha Allah