Umrah Dec 2023

Embark on a spiritual journey like no other with our upcoming Umrah trip!

Our carefully crafted tour includes Fiqh of Umrah & spiritual classes before we set off, guided Umrah, Ziyaraat in Makkah and Madinah, lectures by our Shayukh as well as local scholars. With excellent accommodations, transportation, and expert guidance throughout the trip, you can focus on the spiritual aspects of the journey and leave the logistics to us. Join us for an unforgettable Umrah experience and deepen your connection with Allah, Most High.

Register your interest now and take the first step towards this life-changing journey.

Umrah Jan 23 Reviews

A brilliant trip organised by Islam Answers Tours. Could not recommend enough.



Brilliant spiritual trip with good kind people.



IA Umrah trip was generally very relaxed in which we had a lot of free independent time to go about our day how we would like. What was promised was ultimately delivered. Everything was conducted in English which is a big deal for me personally.



Alhamdulillah the trip itself was very beautiful and beneficial in terms of emaan being increased and spiritually reconnecting with Allah SWT on closer level. Subhan’Allah it was amazing to see that the 2 cities of Makkah and Medinah never sleep and are continuously in the praise of Allah SWT.



Alhamdulillah, the whole Umrah experience was surreal. The constant guidance that we had available to us from the Shuyukh was very reassuring, on numerous occasions we were able to clarify questions we had. The ziyaaraat with Shaykh Jamili were brilliant, and the classes with both Shuyook were refreshing too. Overall, a brilliantly organised trip, which the memories will stay with us forever inshallah!

