Can we combine prayers when Isha is late in the Hanbali Madhab?
Fatwa by Shaykh Saleh al-Asmari: Combining prayers due to late entrance of Isha Prayer in accordance with the Hanbali school
Islamic Text
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the Name of Allah Most Merciful Most Kind
Shaykh Saleh al-Asmari, may Allah preserve him, states:
There is no dispensation for combining Isha with Maghrib Prayer upon the entrance of Maghrib Prayer due to merely the late entrance of Isha Prayer. However, if one has an occupation or valid reason that would permit them from being excused from Jumu’ah or congregation prayer such as fear over their lives, honour or wealth, or fear of harm to their living which they need that may arise due to not combining or similar, then they may combine Isha Prayer after praying Maghrib Prayer. (al-Hijaawi, Kashaaf al-Qina’ 3:290)
If the Hanbali School on this matter results in difficulty, then one may resort to another school that would permit combining, but this should only be limited to when there is a need, and not doing so unnecessarily.
In the above fatwa, we have two points:
- The late entrance of Isha Prayer does not solely permit combining between Maghrib and Isha Prayer in the Hanbali School.
- If someone has a reason that would excuse them from Jumu’ah or congregation, they would be permitted to combine Maghrib and Isha Prayer in the Hanbali School.
Therefore, if someone fears harm on themselves, honour, wealth or livelihood which they need, such as their job or school, then they may combine Isha Prayer with Maghrib Prayer. It is not necessarily that one be certain that this harm will come to them; rather, it is sufficient that the fear of harm is preponderant (Dhann).
And with Allah is success.
Shaykh Saleh al-Asmari
Original Arabic Text:
لا رُخصَة بمُجرَّد تَأخُّر دُخولِ وَقتِ صلاةِ العِشاءِ لكَي تُجمَع مع صلاةِ المَغرِب جمْع تَقديمٍ، إِلا “لمَن له شُغل أو عُذر يُبيح ترك الجُمعة والجماعة كخوف على نفسه أو حُرمتِه أو ماله، أو تَضرَّر في مَعيشةٍ يَحتاجها بتَرك الجَمع ونحوه”.[كشاف القِناع (3/290= العدل) للحجّاوي]
فإِنْ كان في الأَخذ بالمَذهَب الحنبلي حرَجٌ= فلِلْمُقلِّد الخُروج عنه لمَذهبٍ يُبيح الجَمْع،وذلكَ للحاجةِ لكنْ دُون تَوسُّعٍ
في الفُتْيا بعاليه تَقريرُ شيئين
-الأول: أَنّ (مُجرَّد تَأخُّر دُخولِ وَقتِ صلاةِ العِشاءِ)= لا يُوجِب (الجَمْع) بين العِشائين في المَذهَب الحنبلي
-الثاني: أَنّ مَن كان عندَه عُذرٌ يُبيح تركَ الجُمعة والجماعة= جازَ له التَّرَخُّص في (الجَمْع) بين العِشائين في المَذهب الحنبلي
وعليه: فمَن يَلحَقُه ضَرَرٌ في نَفسِه أَو حُرْمَتِه أو مالِه أو مَعيشةٍ يَحتاجُها كوَظيفةٍ أو مَدرسةٍ= فيُباح له جَمع صلاة العِشاء إلى صلاةِ المَغرِب،ويَكفي في الأَخذ بذلكَ ظَنّ حُصول تلك الأَعذار المُشار إِليها،ولا يُشتَرَط فيه اليَقين
وبالله التّوفيق
-Translated by Shaykh Mohammed Jamili (27.04.23)