What is Saweeq (or sawiq)?

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Islamic Text

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

In the Name of Allah Most Merciful Most Kind

Short Answer

Saweeq or Sawiq is wheat or barley that is fried and then crushed. It is a Sunnah food. The Prophet ﷺ presented it to the guests at his Walimah (wedding meal).

حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنْ الزُّهْرِيِّ، عَنْ أَنَسٍ، ” أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَوْلَمَ عَلَى صَفِيَّةَ بِتَمْرٍ وَسَوِيقٍ “

(Sayidina) Anas bin Maalik narrated that the Prophet ﷺ carried out the Walimah of (Sayidah) Safiyyah with dates and Saweeq.’ (Ahmad 12078, Sahih).

In the Hadith above, we find that the blessed Prophet ﷺ held a Walimah and the guests were given Saweeq. In Arabic it is سَوِيقٍ. Whereas in English some people spell it as either Saweeq or Sawiq. In any case, Saweeq (or Sawiq) is fried wheat or barley which is then crushed or milled.

السويق هُوَ الْقَمْح أَو الشّعير المقلو ثمَّ يطحن

Saweeq is fried wheat or barley which is ground. (Imam Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani, Fath al-Bari).

The Hadith above is Sahih without doubt. In fact, it has one of the shortest and strongest chains. There are only three people between Imam Ahmad and the Prophet ﷺ.

Mixing it

Although Saweeq (or Sawiq) is fried and ground barley or wheat and it was sometimes mixed with something else. In the Nass below, the linguist Ibn Abi al-Rakib explained that it may be kneaded with milk, honey or fat.

والسويق هو أن تحمص الحنطة أو الشعير أو نحو ذلك ثم تطحن ثم يسافر بها وقد تمزج باللبن والعسل والسمن تلت به، فإن لم يكن شيء من ذلك مزج بالماء. (الإملاء المختصر في شرح غريب السير)

Saweeq is when wheat or barley is roasted or the like, then it is milled. It is taken on one’s journey and it is sometimes mixed with milk, honey, and fat. If none of these are available, then it is mixed with water. (Ibn Abi al-Rakib, al-Imlaa al-Mukhtasar).

Blessings in Sunnah food

We believe that there are blessings in Sunnah foods. Therefore, Saweeq (or Sawiq) is considered to contain blessings and benefits due to the connection to the blessed Prophet ﷺ. However, with all Sunnah foods, one should consider them alongside other related Sunnah practices. When a Sunnah is taken out of the correct context, it can be misrepresented.

If someone were to eat Saweeq excessively and then say, ‘I am upon the Sunnah‘. This would be a misrepresentation of the Sunnah because the Prophet ﷺ was never excessive.

Rather, heﷺ would eat very little. As such, if such a person subsequently experienced health concerns due to eating Saweeq, then the Sunnah of eating Saweeq cannot be blamed. Rather, the Bidah of overeating is to be blamed.

Exercise is important

Another important aspect of the Sunnah is exercise. So Saweeq (or Sawiq) is Sunnah but it must be understood in the context of the exercise the Prophet ﷺ would engage in. Generally speaking, people in that era would walk a great deal. As well as the fact that everyday chores and activities were more physically demanding. As a result, our blessed Prophet ﷺ had a very strong body. Further, he ﷺ did not have excessive weight.


Saweeq (or Sawiq) is a Sunnah food. It has been established in authentic Hadith. Saweeq is made of fried wheat or barley which is subsequently crushed or milled. At times something else was mixed with it. For example milk, honey or fat. As such, it is good to consume it in moderation since it is from the Sunnah. However, it is also from the Sunnah to exercise and look after one’s health.

And Allah Most High Knows Best.

Answered by Shaykh Noorud-deen Rashid (25.04.24)