Hadith narrations from Shia and Khawarij
Did Imam Bukhari narrate Hadith from Shia? [...]
Did Imam Bukhari narrate Hadith from Shia? [...]
People say there are fabricated Hadith in the book [...]
Is there a different way of narrating weak Hadith? [...]
Was Imam Abu Hanifah weak in Hadith? [...]
Hadith are divided into different classification in terms of authenticity. The strength hierarchy is as follows: Mutawatir – Mass Transmitted...
Is it correct to reference Hadith back to contemporary scholars or secondary books of Hadith rather than original sources?
Is it permissible to narrate Hadith which have been narrated by a Shaykh, but without any authentic source or reference being mentioned?
This is possible in the right circumstances, and a determination will be made by Hadith experts. Some Muslims treat weak Hadith in ...
According to Imam al-Nawawi and others, there is agreement amongst the scholars that weak Hadith are used for certain aspects of the Deen...
Weak Hadith cannot be used for the fundamentals of creed (Aqidah) or legal rulings but can be used for less significant issues...