Is used water impure (Najas)?
Is used water impure (Najas)? Many people say that [...]
Is used water impure (Najas)? Many people say that [...]
Is it true that Abu Hanifah said used water [...]
Is it important to stop urine drops after using [...]
Can I perform Wudu with Zamzam water? [...]
Can a menstruating woman enter a Musalla (prayer area)? [...]
Does vomiting break Wudu? Quran [...]
Is it Makruh to urinate in the shower? [...]
Is it permitted for women in menses to enter [...]
If a woman bleeds after her normal menstrual cycle ends, and this occurrence has not happened before, she is required to keep repeating Ghusl and pray?
So, there are rare situations in which the issue of impurity arises after having performed Istinja with toilet paper (or the like). This is in fact a ...
We see from the Hadith above that Istinja is valid using stones alone (without using water). Toilet paper or other such materials can take the place of ...
You can recite Quran from a mobile phone without Wudu. Firstly, it is important to clarify that Wudu is not required for reciting Quran, rather it is...
Therefore, it is permissible to recite Darood (Salah ala al-Nabi) without Wudu and even touch the paper or surface on which it has been written. So it is...
One should be more careful than usual when fasting but Istinja is unlikely to invalidate the fast. Water would have to go quite far to invalidate...
When it comes to Wudu and Ghusl, we follow the Sunnah in terms of washing the parts of the body without falling prey to Waswasah...
It's not Sunnah when explained as genital mutilation. However, it is incorrect to say any kind of female circumcision is mutilation...
Hanafi scholars did say it is Mustahab (recommended) to wipe the back of the neck in Wudu, although not all agreed. Some Hanafis said ...
It is not permitted to touch the Quran without Wudu. The proof for this is found in Quran and Hadith, which is discussed below.