How much is Fitrana (Zakat al-Fitr or Sadaqatul Fitr)
How much is Fitrana (Zakat al-Fitr)? Why are different [...]
How much is Fitrana (Zakat al-Fitr)? Why are different [...]
What is Fitrana (Sadaqatul Fitr)? [...]
If an Islamic charity is going to take the Zakah and pay it to poor Muslim individuals then it is permitted to use such an organisation...
A Shaykh has written an article in which he says it is permitted to give Zakah to support Dawah organisations (Madrasah/Masjid etc), is this correct...
We see in the noble verse above that students of Islamic knowledge are not included as automatic recipients of Zakah. Therefore, they must fall into...
If a person is completely cut off from his wealth, then such a person can take Zakah, even though he has Nisab, since he cannot access it.
Can you please provide a checklist for organisations that [...]