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Is used water impure (Najas)?
Used water impure as Abu Hanifa saw people’s sins washed away?
How do you stop urine drops after using the toilet?
Is Wudu with Zamzam water permitted?
Can a menstruating woman enter a Musalla (prayer area)?
Does vomiting break Wudu?
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Do not make Witr like Maghrib
Can you pray behind a Shia
Is there an argument against doing Raf al-Yadain in Sajdah or not?
Did the Sahaabi Ibn Umar do Raf al-Yadain during Salah?
Is it true that the Sahaabi Ibn Zubayr prayed with Raf al-Yadain?
Hanafis explaining Hadith about combining prayers without travel
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How much is Fitrana (Zakat al-Fitr or Sadaqatul Fitr)
What is Fitrana (Sadaqatul Fitr)?
Is it permitted to pay Zakah through an Islamic charity?
Giving Zakah to Dawah organisations, Masjid, etc.
Can students of Islamic knowledge take Zakah?
Can you give Zakah to someone who has Nisab but cannot access it?
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Is it better to pray Sunnah at home or in the Masjid?
Did only Saudi Arabia see the moon for Eid?
How much is Fitrana (Zakat al-Fitr or Sadaqatul Fitr)
Can you make the intention for fasting after Fajr?
Does using an asthma inhaler break your fast?
If you are travelling after Fajr time, can you choose not to fast?
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Are boycotts Haram?
Is insurance Haram?
Is it permitted to buy cat food or pet food with Haram ingredients?
Are Premium Bonds prizes Halal or Haram?
Is it permitted to take an Islamic mortgage?
Is it permissible to take a mortgage?
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Marriage & Divorce
Can you only marry Christian women who do not commit shirk?
Can you look at hair of a woman you're considering for marriage?
Is it permitted to use contraception in Islam?
If a man has a daughter out of wedlock, is that daughter Mahram?
Is it wrong or Makruh (disliked) to marry in the month of Muharram?
Is it permissible for a Muslim to marry a Jew or a Christian?
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Hajj & Umrah
Is entering ihram for Umrah from Masjid al-Aqsa better?
Is group Talbiyah wrong during hajj and umrah?
Is it Haram for a woman to cut her hair?
When women finish Umrah can they cut each other’s hair?
Carrying child during Tawaf and nappy is dirty, is the Tawaf invalid?
Is Tawaf valid if there was impurity on your clothes?
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Is Janazah and Dua for suicide permissible?
Does a Muslim who kills himself go to Hell forever?
Is it Haram to cry loudly?
Which Dua should you make for the deceased?
What should you recite when someone is dying?
Is planting a tree on a grave allowed in Islam?
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General Fiqh
Lying to protect wealth
Disposing of Islamic papers
Tattoos are Haram
Sunnah days for Hijama
What does Makruh mean in the Hanafi Madhab?
Is it Haram to speak privately with the opposite gender?
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Shafi'i, Maliki & Hanbali
Is Janazah and Dua for suicide permissible?
Does a Muslim who kills himself go to Hell forever?
Is it Haram to cry loudly?
Which Dua should you make for the deceased?
What should you recite when someone is dying?
Is planting a tree on a grave allowed in Islam?
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