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Husband giving Ghusl to the wife
Writing on the Kafan and Ahad Nama
Do Hadith say most of the punishment in the grave is from urine?
Do Hadith say a Martyr gets 72 virgins in Paradise?
Is Janazah and Dua for suicide permissible?
Does a Muslim who kills himself go to Hell forever?
Is it Haram to cry loudly?
Which Dua should you make for the deceased?
What to say when entering a graveyard?
Is planting a tree on a grave allowed in Islam?
Is it wrong to write on graves?
Is the Prophet ﷺ alive in his grave?
Abdullah bin Masood didn’t allow people to call someone Shaheed?
Are people who die in an earthquake Shaheed (Martyr)?
Can you pray Janazah for someone who died in another country?
Do you pray Janazah over a child that is born dead (stillborn)?
Is it wrong to burn incense sticks or Bukhoor at the grave?
Is it acceptable to say someone is in Jannah?
Did the Prophet ﷺ pray Janazah (funeral prayer) over a Christian?
Is it permitted to make Dua for a Kafir (non-Muslim) after death?
Is it prohibited to build on a grave of a scholar or righteous person?
Is it permitted to build upon graves if there is a valid reason?
Is it permitted to build on graves according to the Hanafi Madhab?
Does crying (wailing) for the dead cause them pain or punishment?
Is abortion permitted in Islam? What is the ruling?
Did the Prophet ﷺ cry at the passing of his son?
Is it permitted to cry when a person dies?
What should you say when a person dies?
Is the Hadith about harming a dead person Sahih?
Do the dead feel pain when you give them Ghusl?
Is a woman who dies whilst pregnant or delivering a child a Shaheedah?
Is there evidence to prove the living can benefit the dead (Isaal al-Thawab)?
How strong is the Hadith about not praying Janazah in a Masjid?
Is the Hadith about the dead being like a drowning person authentic?
If a funeral prayer is repeated, then can you pray again?
Can you repeat Janazah if the local Imam led the original prayer?
Is it permitted to repeat the Janazah prayer after it has already been prayed?
What is the Dua for the deceased in Janazah?
Recite Surah Yaseen when visiting a grave?
Talqeen – Reminding the Deceased of the Shahada
People in the Grave Have a Window to Paradise?
Explanation of the Hadith About Praising the Dead
Is there a Hadith about praising the dead?
Called by father’s or mother’s name on the Day of Judgement?
Virtue in Dying on Monday
Virtue in Dying on Thursday or Friday
Student of Knowledge Raising Punishment of the Grave
Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave?
Is the hadith of dead relatives seeing your deeds sahih?
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